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Prowlarr - Index Search Manager

Prowlarr is a indexer manager/proxy built on the popular arr .net/reactjs base stack to integrate with your various PVR apps. Prowlarr supports both Torrent Trackers and Usenet Indexers. It integrates seamlessly with Sonarr, Radarr, Lidarr, Readarr, and Whisparr offering complete management of your indexers with no per app Indexer setup required (Prowlarr does it all).

Warning:       Page Under Development

This page is still under development and may not have accurate information, and should be considered incomplete / inaccurate until this notice is removed.

Additional Application Information - External Links

Authentication Options

Go to the Prowlarr WebUI. If this is the first time using Prowlarr, you will be presented with an Authentication Required dialog, as Prowlarr now allows admins to prevent unauthorised access to the application. You can select Forms (Login Page)Disabled for Local Address → Add Username and PasswordSave to continue.

Prowlarr Authenication Options

Prowlarr Authenication Options

Change Password Options Afterwards

If you have set up username / password authentication and cannot log into Prowlarr, or you just want to simply disable authentication all together, you can follow the details on the Prowlarr Wiki page:

Configuring FlareSolverr

Select SettingsIndexer Proxies+ (Plus Button)

Prowlarr Add Indexer Proxy

Prowlarr Add Indexer Proxy

Prowlarr Add FlareSolverr Proxy

Prowlarr Add FlareSolverr Proxy

Prowlarr FlareSolverr Proxy List

Prowlarr FlareSolverr Proxy List

Adding Indexers

Prowlarr is an Index Search Server, which means it needs to connect Torrent and Usenet Indexers on the Internet, and send search requests out the these indexers, which will provide any search results back to

Select IndexersAdd Indexer

Prowlarr Add Indexer

Prowlarr Add Indexer

Add Torrent Indexers

Prowlarr Add NZB Indexer

Prowlarr Add NZB Indexer


Add some information about ratios and seeding days

Add Usenet Indexers

Prowlarr Add Torrent Indexer

Prowlarr Add Torrent Indexer

Advanced Indexer Settings

Prowlarr Test Search Indexer

Prowlarr Test Search Indexer


Add something about search priority

Prowlarr Indexer Listing

Prowlarr Indexer Listing

Test Search Index

Prowlarr Test Search Indexer

Prowlarr Test Search Indexer

Add Download Clients

Add Torrent Downloader

If you've already followed the qBittorent configuration guide, you may have already added the qBittorent download client to all of your *ARR Media Applications. However, Prowlarr needs to be configured with some additional settings, so you can automate downloading of certain media categories, into the correct download folders, so they are managed by the correct *ARR Media Library Managers.

Add the qBittorrent download client to Prowlarr: ProwlarrSettingsDownload Clients.

Prowlarr Add qBittorrent Download Client

Prowlarr Add qBittorrent Download Client

Scroll down the bottom of the Edit Download Client dialog box and press the + (plus) button in Mapped Categories to map multiple categories into your main download categories.

Prowlarr Edit qBittorrent Download Category Mappings

qBittorrent Edit Download Category Mappings

Add each of the Download Client Categories listed in the table below, and select the tick boxes next to each of the Mapped Categories to set up the automatic download mappings.

Download Client Category Mapped Categories Group ID
prowlarr Other (0)
prowlarr       Other/Misc (10)
prowlarr       Other/Hashed (20)
console Console (1000)
console       Console/NDS (1010)
console       Console/PSP (1020)
console       Console/Wii (1030)
console       Console/XBox (1040)
console       Console/XBox 360 (1050)
console       Console/Wiiware (1060)
console       Console/XBox 360 DLC (1070)
console       Console/PS3 (1080)
console       Console/Other (1090)
console       Console/3DS (1110)
console       Console/PS Vita (1120)
console       Console/WiiU (1130)
console       Console/XBox One (1140)
console       Console/PS4 (1180)
movies Movies (2000)
movies       Movies/Foreign (2010)
movies       Movies/Other (2020)
movies       Movies/SD (2030)
movies       Movies/HD (2040)
movies       Movies/UHD (2045)
movies       Movies/BluRay (2050)
movies       Movies/3D (2060)
movies       Movies/DVD (2070)
movies       Movies/WEB-DL (2080)
audio Audio (3000)
audio       Audio/MP3 (3010)
audio       Audio/Video (3020)
audio       Audio/Audiobook (3030)
audio       Audio/Lossless (3040)
audio       Audio/Other (3050)
audio       udio/Foreign (3060)
software PC (4000)
software       PC/0day (4010)
software       PC/ISO (4020)
software       PC/Mac (4030)
software       PC/Mobile-Other (4040)
software       PC/Games (4050)
software       PC/Mobile-iOS (4060)
software       PC/Mobile-Android (4070)
series TV (5000)
series       TV/WEB-DL (5010)
series       TV/Foreign (5020)
series       TV/SD (5030)
series       TV/HD (5040)
series       TV/UHD (5045)
series       TV/Other (5050)
series       TV/Sport (5060)
anime       TV/Anime (5070)
series       TV/Documentary (5080)
xxx XXX (6000)
xxx       XXX/DVD (6010)
xxx       XXX/WMV (6020)
xxx       XXX/XviD (6030)
xxx       XXX/x264 (6040)
xxx       XXX/UHD (6045)
xxx       XXX/Pack (6050)
xxx       XXX/ImageSet (6060)
xxx       XXX/Other (6070)
xxx       XXX/SD (6080)
xxx       XXX/WEB-DL (6090)
books Books (7000)
books       Books/Mags (7010)
books       Books/EBook (7020)
comics       Books/Comics (7030)
books       Books/Technical (7040)
books       Books/Other (7050)
books       Books/Foreign (7060)
prowlarr Other (8000)
prowlarr       Other/Misc (8010)
prowlarr       Other/Hashed (8020)

Once you have added all of the mapped categories, the config should look like this:

Prowlarr List qBittorrent Download Category Mappings

qBittorrent List Download Category Mappings

Add Usenet Downloader

If you've already followed the SABnzbd configuration guide, you may have already added the SABnzbd download client to all of your *ARR Media Applications. However, Prowlarr needs to be configured with some additional settings, so you can automate downloading of certain media categories, into the correct download folders, so they are managed by the correct *ARR Media Library Managers.

Add the SABnzbd download client to Prowlarr: ProwlarrSettingsDownload Clients.

Prowlarr Add SABnzbd Download Client

Prowlarr Add SABnzbd Download Client

Scroll down the bottom of the Edit Download Client dialog box and press the + (plus) button in Mapped Categories to map multiple categories into your main download categories.

Prowlarr Edit SABnzbd Download Category Mappings

SABnzbd Edit Download Category Mappings

Add each of the Download Client Categories listed in the table below, and select the tick boxes next to each of the Mapped Categories to set up the automatic download mappings.

Once you have added all of the mapped categories, the config should look like this:

Prowlarr List SABnzbd Download Category Mappings

SABnzbd List Download Category Mappings

Connect ARR Apps to Prowlarr

Once Prowlarr is configured with all the Torrent and Usenet indexers, it needs to be connected to all of the other *ARR Media Library Managers (Radarr / Sonarr / Readarr), so they can all use Prowlarr as the master index manager.

Add *ARR applications: ProwlarrSettingsApps then add each of the applications.

Prowlarr Connect ARR Applications

Prowlarr Connect ARR Applications


Library Manager Server Address Retrieve API Key
Prowlarr http://localhost:9696
Radarr http://localhost:7878 http://localhost:7878/settings/general
Sonarr http://localhost:8989 http://localhost:8989/settings/general
Readarr http://localhost:8787 http://localhost:8787/settings/general
Lidarr http://localhost:8686 http://localhost:8686/settings/general
Whisparr http://localhost:6969 http://localhost:6969/settings/general
Mylar http://localhost:8090 http://localhost:8090/config#tabs-2

Prowlarr Connect ARR Applications

Prowlarr Connect ARR Applications

Warning: Mylar API Key Needs Manual Activation

The API Key for system integration is not enabled by default for Mylar, it needs manual activation the first time use.

Open Mylar API Key link in the table above, then select Web InterfaceTick "Enable API"Generate Mylar API KeySave Changes at bottom of page.

Copy the API Key from the Mylar portal and copy it into the Prowlarr integration settings above.

Prowlarr List ARR Applications

Prowlarr List ARR Applications

Test Connected ARR Apps

Library Manager List of Indexers
Radarr http://localhost:7878/settings/indexers
Sonarr http://localhost:8989/settings/indexers
Readarr http://localhost:8787/settings/indexers
Lidarr http://localhost:8686/settings/indexers
Whisparr http://localhost:6969/settings/indexers
Mylar http://localhost:8090/config#tabs-4

Radarr List Imported Indexers

Radarr List Imported Indexers

Warning: Mylar Imported Indexers Need Manual Activation

If Prowlarr has the Mylar API Key, it can synchronise its list of indexers across to Mylar, however Mylar does not list / enable them automatically, it needs manual setup to enable import the Prowlarr indexers for first time use.

Open Mylar "Search Providers" link in the table above, then select Search ProvidersTick "Use Newznab"Tick "Torrents"Tick "Enable Torznab".

Test some of the imported Torrent and Usenet indexers, then select Save Changes at the bottom of the page.

Mylar Enable Imported Indexers

Mylar Enable Imported Indexers

Notice: Do Not Attempt to Update Library Managers Just Yet

At this point in the configuration guide, all of the ARR applications have been integrated with Prowlarr and they are able to do searches and commence downloading media, however each of the applications still need to be configured with media locations and meta data information, please avoid using the ARR Media Library Managed to download media content until you have configured each of the applications, in the relevant guides.

Additional Configuration Items

Change Date and Languages

To change the date and language in the WebUI Portal, select SettingsUI

Prowlarr WebUI Date and Language Settings

Prowlarr WebUI Date and Language Settings

Miscellaneous Points

Last update: March 1, 2023