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SWAG - Secure Web Application Gateway

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Warning:       Page Under Development

This page is still under development and may not have accurate information, and should be considered incomplete / inaccurate until this notice is removed.

"Configure Remote Access" Menu and Pages will document steps in order to configure all the applications to allow remote access into your home network / Jellyfin server from the Internet.

These pages to document the integrated of:

  • Cloudflare for Domain Name Registration and Hosting (Your Own Internet Address)
  • DDNS-Updater to Update DNS Records Hosted on Cloudflare DNS, or Public DDNS Provider
  • Authelia for User Authentication / Authorisation - AA Server
  • Cloudflare Zero Trust Network Access
  • Nginx Reverse Proxy Server (SWAG)
  • Automate SSL Install with Let's Encrypt / ZeroSSL Certificate Authorities
  • Heimdall (Link Manager) - Configure Links for All Internet Web Services.... Jellyfin / *ARR Apps etc..

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Last update: March 1, 2023